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Article: Discover the Power of Dynamic Meditation


Discover the Power of Dynamic Meditation

Meditation without Sitting Still

At Newtraceuticals, we believe that our four pillars—performance, focus, recovery, and wellbeing—can be positively influenced by meditation. The challenge of meditation is often that it takes time and can be difficult for many people to practice. Therefore, we want to introduce you to a dynamic form of meditation that goes beyond the traditional way of "sitting on a cushion" and drifting off.

The Function of Meditation

On a broad level, we can say that meditation has one main goal: to increase awareness and mindfulness. This means being present in the moment, fully aware of your thoughts and feelings.

In our modern society, it's easy to become distracted. Smartphones and other technologies are designed to capture our attention. Our concentration and focus diminish from generation to generation. We are unconsciously training ourselves to be distracted. The counter-response is to consciously avoid distraction. Meditation offers a solution to this, and dynamic forms can be particularly effective.

What is Dynamic Meditation?

Dynamic meditation is an active way to approach meditation. Here are some examples:

  1. Running: Run without music and concentrate on what is happening in your body. Focus on your breathing and the sensations in your body as you take steps. This helps you to be present both physically and mentally.

  2. Osho’s Dynamic Meditation: This form, developed by the Indian guru Osho, consists of five phases:

    • Chaotic Breathing: Let your breath flow freely, without control.
    • Catharsis: Release emotions, scream, or move as you wish.
    • Bringing Energy Back into the Body: Feel the energy flowing.
    • Freezing: This is your meditation; stand still and be aware of the moment.
    • Celebration: Celebrate life and the energy you have experienced.

    Osho’s dynamic meditation is unorthodox, but that is precisely what makes it so powerful. This method is designed to give an outlet to all stored emotions, such as sadness and anger. By breathing chaotically, you charge your body and these emotions are released. This can manifest in screaming, laughing, crying, or even hitting a pillow—everything is allowed. As Osho said, "Become total madness."

    I fully understand that this can be challenging, especially if you live on the third floor of an apartment in Amsterdam. However, there are places where you can practice this meditation under guidance. It’s one of my favorite methods. It offers a unique opportunity to express and process your emotions, contributing to your overall wellbeing—especially in a world where our emotions are increasingly less allowed to be expressed or where we simply have not learned how to do so.

  3. Strength Training without Distraction: Perform your strength training with full attention. Feel the muscles working and concentrate on each movement. This not only strengthens your physical power but also enhances your mental focus.

  4. Walking in Nature: Take a walk without worrying about the time. Focus on the sounds around you, the air you breathe in, and the ground beneath your feet. This activity can help you to be in the moment and refresh your mind.

  5. Dancing: Put on your favorite music and let your body move as it wants. Dancing can be a powerful way to express emotions and let go of your thoughts while also expanding your awareness.

If you find that your mind starts to wander and you need to center yourself again, don’t consider this a failure. It actually means you are strengthening your concentration and awareness by continually returning to the present moment.


Dynamic meditation offers a unique and effective way to enhance your focus and awareness. Whether you’re running, applying Osho’s techniques, strength training, walking in nature, or dancing, the most important thing is to allow yourself to be present in the moment. Try these different forms of dynamic meditation and discover what works best for you!

Do you have any other ideas about active meditations? Let us know in the comments.

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Wiggert Meerman

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CMO for Newtraceuticals With a background in Fitness & Health Management and 20 years of industry experience in supplements, fitness, and high performance.

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